Faculty – Diabetes & Cardiometabolic Diseases

Meet our Editorial Panel, a group of key opinion leaders in the field of diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases from diverse regions. This expert panel, in collaboration with the Wiley editorial team, has curated educational modules and resources on the latest advancements in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of these conditions.

Samantha Hocking

A/Prof Samantha Hocking

Endocrinologist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Clinical Academic at Charles Perkins Research Centre, University of Sydney

Associate Professor Samantha Hocking is an Endocrinologist at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and a Clinical Academic at the University of Sydney. She graduated from Sydney University with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 1999. A/Prof Hocking undertook her training in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Obesity at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, becoming a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians (Endocrinology) in 2005. She also completed a Master's degree in Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology).

A/Prof Hocking’s primary research interest is precision medicine, focusing on how personalized medicine can predict, prevent, and improve the management of metabolic diseases, particularly diabetes. She collaborates with researchers at The Boden Institute and the CPC-RPA Clinic on projects related to obesity, bariatric surgery, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes and liver disease. Additionally, she treats patients with obesity in one of the largest public obesity clinics in New South Wales. A/Prof Hocking is also the current president of the National Association of Clinical Obesity Services.

Alice Pik-Shan Kong

Prof Alice Pik-Shan Kong

Professor, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Honorary Associate Consultant, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hospital Authority

Dr. Alice Pik-Shan Kong is Professor in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Honorary Consultant at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong. She graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and became a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in 2000, with accreditation in Advanced Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. She is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Glasgow, Edinburgh and London.

Dr. Kong’s research interests are obesity and diabetes with focuses on clinical trials related to sleep and other lifestyle factors. She is a member of steering committees of multinational studies and advisory boards of Hong Kong Government and international agencies including the Global Advisory Group of World Obesity Day. She is the Editor in Chief of Primary Care Diabetes, Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member of Obesity Reviews, and  an editorial board member of Diabetes Care, Current Diabetes Reports, and International Associate Editor of Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics. Dr. Kong is dedicated to teaching and won the Faculty Education Award in 2022. She has presented at numerous local, regional and international meetings and has published over 350 articles in international peer-reviewed journals.

Soo LIM_Korea_2024v2

Prof Soo Lim

Professor of Medicine
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

Prof. Soo Lim is a Professor of Medicine at the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. After obtaining his medical degree at Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Prof. Lim completed an internship, residency, and fellowship at the same institution. He obtained the degree of Master of Public Health at Seoul National University School of Public Health and received a doctorate in Medicine at Seoul National University College of Medicine. He worked as a research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA from 2011 to 2012. Prof. Lim’s research interests focus on biology and pathophysiology related to diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity, fatty liver, and metabolic syndrome. Prof. Lim has published more than 370 scientific journals in these fields. He is an expert in managing patients with diabetes mellitus and is also a well-known lecturer. He is associate editor of Obesity Reviews and an editorial board member of many international journals including the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (DOM), and Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications.

Chih-Yuan Wang

Prof Chih-Yuan Wang

Deputy Director, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

Dr Chih-Yuan Wang, MD, PhD is a Deputy Director, Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. He received a Doctor of Medicine degree from Chung-Shan Medical University. His research interests are Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Insulin Resistance, Lipid Metabolism, Glucose Metabolism, Clinical Endocrinology, Cholesterol, Triglycerides. Since 2003, Prof. Wang began to participate in clinical trials of related domestic and international pharmaceutical companies, published international papers in accordance with the relevant procedures of clinical trials, for the cardiovascular disease prognosis research of GLP-1 receptor agonist of EXCEL and HARMONY. The papers were published in New England Journal of Medicine, one of the co-authors. He is also one of the co-authors of the international CVDREAL-3 study published in Lancet Endocrinology and Diabetes. He also participated in the second phase of clinical trials of new drugs in Asia, and was the first author of related research on new drug development for diabetes published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism and other international journals. At present, related diabetes blood sugar monitoring technology is also being carried out, as well as the genetic research of thyroid cancer in cooperation with the National Institutes of Health. He is also now a senior editor of Endocrine Connections, and editor of Journal of Medical Ultrasound.

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